The Ringsend to City Centre Core Bus Corridor Scheme (the Proposed Scheme) will support integrated sustainable transport usage through infrastructure improvements for active travel (both walking and cycling), and the provision of enhanced bus priority measures for existing (both public and private) and all future services who will use the corridor. The scheme has an overall length of approximately 3.2 km on both sides of the River Liffey and is routed for 1.6 km along the R801 road on Custom House Quay and North Wall Quay on the northside of the River Liffey, and for 1.6 km along the R813 road on City Quay and Sir John Rogerson’s Quay on the southside of the River Liffey. The proposed scheme includes the provision of a new public transport bridge over the River Dodder from Sir John Rogerson’s Quay to the R131 East Link Road at Ringsend. In addition a cycle route will continue over a length of 1.1 km from York Road, Ringsend, via Pembroke Cottages and Cambridge Park through Ringsend Park and along Strand Street and Pembroke Street, Irishtown, terminating at Sean Moore Road.

The aim of the Proposed Scheme is to provide improved walking, cycling and bus infrastructure on this key access corridor in the Dublin region, which will enable and deliver efficient, safe, and integrated sustainable transport movement along the corridor. The Proposed Scheme is a key measure that delivers on commitments within the National Development Plan (2021-2030), the Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2022-2042) the Climate Action Plan (2023) and the National Planning Framework 2040.


Planning Documentation

Volume 4 Appendices - part 2 of 2

Chapter 7 Air Quality Appendix

Chapter 8 Climate Appendix

Chapter 9 Noise and Vibration Appendices

Chapter 10 Population Appendices

Chapter 12 Biodiversity Appendix

Chapter 13 Water Appendices

Chapter 14 Land, Soils, Geology and Hydrogeology Appendices

Chapter 15 Archeology and Cultural Heritage Appendices

Chapter 16 Architectural Heritage Appendix

Chapter 16 Architectural Heritage Appendix

Chapter 17 Landscape (Townscape) and Visual Appendix

Chapter 18 Waste and Resources Appendices

Chapter 20 Risk of Major Accidents and or Disasters Appendices

Chapter 21 Cumulative Impacts Appendices

Appropriate Assessment Screening Report

Location Maps

Preliminary Design Report

Preliminary Design Report Appendices


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